Author Guidelines
Article Writing Conditions:
Title: maximum of 20 words. The title is typed in the letters Cambria, 14 letters are flat centre ordinary print.
author's name: or the writers are typed under the title with Cambria 11 font, without titles and may not be abbreviated. Under the name is written the field of expertise, institution name, address, and email of the author.
Abstract: no more than 300 words, written in English and Indonesian, in a paragraph containing: the purpose of service, methods of activity, and results of activities. Typed with Cambria font, single-spaced, and italicized. Under the abstract there are keywords with a maximum of 5 words, separated by semicolons, double spaced typed under the abstract.
Introduction: Introduction is typed in capital letters [fonts Cambria11 bold] containing background to addressing a problem, urgency, and rationalization of activities, literature review, problem-solving plan, and purpose of activity [Cambria font, 10, normal]
Method: The research method explains: the implementation methods used in service activities. The method is described clearly and in detail [Cambria font, 10, Normal]
Results and Discussion: Describing the results or outcomes of service can be in the form of increasing knowledge, skills or in the form of products. The results also reveal the level of achievement of the target activities. If in the form of objects there needs to be an explanation of product specifications, advantages, and disadvantages. Output writing needs to be equipped with photos, tables, graphs, charts, pictures, etc. The discussion is sequential in the order in which the objectives are and has been explained beforehand. The discussion is accompanied by a logical argument by linking the results of PkM with the theory, the results of other PkM and or research results.
Conclusions and Suggestions: Conclusions contain a brief summary of the results of the research and discussion. Conclusions are research findings in the form of answers to research questions or research objectives. The results of the study provide suggestions/contributions to the application and/or development of science. [Cambria, 10, normal].
- Fully written, appropriate with the references in the content
- Only load literature referenced in the content
- The Source of references is 00% from literature published the last 10 years (2012-2022), at least 20 references
- References are at least 80% from research articles in journals or research reports.
- Bibliography format is American Psychological Association (APA) 7th edition
- Management reference applications such as Mendeley, Zotero, or Endnote, should be used by authors when citing a reference. [Cambria, 10, normal].