How do I withdraw my paper?
Contact your journal editorial office they will be able to withdraw the paper on your behalf.
Sample email to editor regarding Manuscript Withdrawal
Subject: Manuscript Withdrawal - [Manuscript Title] - [Manuscript ID, if applicable]
Dear Editor of [Journal Name],
Please consider this email as formal notification that I, [Your Name/Lead Author Name], on behalf of all co-authors, wish to withdraw our manuscript titled "[Manuscript Title]" (Manuscript ID: [Manuscript ID, if applicable]) submitted on [Submission Date].
The reason for this withdrawal is [Briefly explain the reason, e.g., "due to significant errors discovered in the data analysis," or "because we intend to submit it to a more suitable journal."].
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. We appreciate your time and consideration.
Thank you for your understanding.
[Your Name/Lead Author Name] [Affiliation] [Email Address] [Date]