How to Make Graphical Abstracts in PowerPoint with Free Templates

What is graphical abstract?

Graphical Abstract is a single, concise, and visual summary of a research’s findings. This graphic is meant to catch readers’ attention and to give a better visual understanding of what the research is about. It is also intended to encourage browsing, promote interdisciplinary scholarship, and help readers identify more quickly which papers are most relevant to their research interests. Please see the example of graphical abstract below for your reference.

Guide for author

What authors should and should not do:

  1. Provide an image that clearly represents the research’s findings.
  2. The graphic should be simple and informative.
  3. The use of colors is encouraged.
  4. The graphic should uphold the standard of a scholarly, professional publication.
  5. The graphic must be original and unpublished artwork.
  6. The graphic should not include a photograph, drawing, or caricature of any living and/or deceased person.
  7. Image size: the image should have a size of 500 x 800 pixels (height x width). The text must be written in Cambria, 10pt.
  8. Image resolution: the image should have a minimum resolution of 600 dpi.
  9. Preferred file types: JPG, PNG, and TIFF.

Download template Graphical Abstract (PPT):

GA References

Below is the example of a graphical abstract retrieved from JMIR:

How to Design an Effective Graphical Abstract in PowerPoint


Best Graphical Abstract Examples with Free Templates

Download free templates:

GA Format

There are so many online websites that provide graphical abstract’s template for free. One of the many website is:

For more detail information about graphical abstract, please visit Elsevier: